Remote windows shell connection Using PYXE tool [ngrok integrated]
PYXE Step 1 : github link or git clone Step 2 : Go to Signup and Login Copy and save your TOKEN Step 3 : Navigate to pyxe-master open terminal inside the folder and Give File Permission to the following files chmod +x PYXE chmod +x mstr/ chmod +x mstr/ chmod +x mstr/ngrok Step 4 : Run using the tool following command ./PYXE Step 5 : Change your ngrok token(y/N)? : N Step 6 : Enter the port number to be opened in linux to receive the connection : Step 7: You can find **clienttcp.exe **at /dist/clienttcp.exe Step 8: Copy to the targeted System and run you will get back the reverse shell and Never close the ngrok terminal you will loose the connection. Step 9: You can try windows command on it enter terminate in the shell to close the connection. Educational purp...