
ESP 8266 wifi deauther standalone (Design)

ESP 8266 wifi-Deauther STANDALONE

Hardware Requirements :-

  1. NodeMCU - Esp8266
  2. Mini 2 Pin SPST ON/OFF Switch 
  3. Connecting wires
  4. Lithium ion 3.7v battery
  5. TP4056-1A-USB-Lipo-Battery
  6. Breadboard mini
Software Requirements :-

Arduino IDE 

download the below script 


Follow the configuration method given in the description of github link.

Use the below wiring to design standalone wifi deauther


ESP                                    BATTERY                                   CHARGER                    SWITCH

     3.3v pin                              --                                         --                             END 1
      GND                                   --                                    NEGATIVE                      --
       --                                   NEGATIVE                           NEGATIVE                      --     
       --                                   POSITIVE                            POSITIVE                       --

       --                                      --                                    POSITIVE                     END2 


PS: I am not good at soldering. and ignore the push buttons that used.
